across the otherwise clear sky; this, he believed, was the explanation of so-called invisible lightning 12especially clear in the reflection; but the coast lines also come out 17
well clear from the 18
north and east will soon clear 54
clear off at once 61have seldom a clear day 61
to baffle every description. the loud, clear notes 62
clear of each other 62
when, on a clear evening 62
a clear space between 62
a clear white fog 64
and the stars shone brightly 66a fine clear evening 68
dry and clear, such as the coasts 68
standing in a clear atmosphere 71
on a clear calm night 72—
clear, the slender 105
clear sweep over 109
the zenith was quite clear of 111
clear. No Bar. 113—
after dinner all was clear overhead 113
was, in a great measure, clear 113
continued tolerably clear 113
nearly clear 114and thus an almost clear space of blue sky was surrounded by dense masses of vapour 115
the slopes clear of vapour 116
clear and bright 117clear days are great and surprising 128
clear till the descent 132
clear away the branches 138
so formed was always clear 139
with a coating of clear ice 140fitted with clear plate glass 167
clear glass. The distance 168
a circle of clear glass 172“It all happened in a moment, and I cannot give you any more particulars; it seemed all so quick, I had no time to see what was going on.” It is clear that the walls fell east and west, each in one piece 191
clear of all obstruction 200
The sky, previously of a clear and dazzling blue, is shrouded in a brownish dingy haze 205
alternately clear and 221
a hard clear mass of ice 222it is clear that the camera was moved slightly during the exposure, and what appeared to the eye as one flash was in reality a succession of four 223
clear days 241
clear weather 245clear except a bank of cloud 249
clear, and I could see 249a coating of clear ice of the thickness of a penny piece 253
some three-quarters of the instances of clear (save for its suppression at 66) and selected adjacencies in the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 15 (1889)
*113 / two by same observer, Mr. W. Wallace of Appleby, Fair Hill, in William Marriott his “Report on the Helm Wind Inquiry.”
191 / ex H. C. Russell, “Wind Storm at Sydney, New South Wales, Jan. 27, 1889.”
Sunday, 10 January 2016
to baffle every description
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