Saturday, 27 August 2016

XXI x X: who turns the wheel of fate? The cosmic mechanism...

XXI x X: who turns the wheel of fate? The cosmic mechanism (ROTA, or wheel) is the Law (TORA) that governs our lives in a seemingly fatalistic way. But of we look deeply into it (via the lens or mirror of TAROT) we see the sphinx (at the top of card X) splits into its components (the tetramorph of holy animals in the corners of card XXI) and reveals the true nature of the operator: the divinized human dancing in the wreath. Thus the cosmic law is not mechanistic, it is a dance (Shiva’s dance, pictured here on the altar cloth), and the World is not a fatalistic clock (the active glyph 1 and the empty 0 = card 10 = something active but empty, a mechanism), but rather an organic and ever-unfolding garden (passive 2 and active 1 united = card 21 = active passivity, spontaneous growth, divine union). And who can make a clockwork of an orange tree? To answer this, and the Q at the beginning of this paragraph, we could consult the SATOR square and the riddle of the Sphinx… But I digress :) #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcommunity #tarotoftheday #wheeloffortune #theworld #lemond #sphinx #fate #garden #shiva #shivasdance #clockworkorange #anthonyburgess #tetramorph #fourevangelists #sator #satorsquare


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