Sunday, 19 November 2017

Tipperne bird sanctuary (Tower), designed by Johansen Skovsted...

Tipperne bird sanctuary (Tower), designed by Johansen Skovsted Arkitekter in collaboration with Bertelsen & Scheving Arkitekter, 2017

Photo by Rasmus Norlander

“The bird sanctuary at the tip of the peninsula in the southern part of Ringkøbing Fjord is, with its unique nature, an important stopping point for migratory birds and home to Europe’s oldest continuous bird counts. Previously, public access to the area has been very limited, but through establishing new facilities the area has now been opened to visitors. These facilities consist of simple instrument-like additions in the landscape: a bird hide, watch tower, workshop, walking routes and a conversion of the Tipper House research station. The new structures are imagined as free-standing objects in the landscape, each with distinctive characteristics and subtle mutual relationships to one another and their surroundings.

The bird watching tower was developed throusgh the synthesis of the open, flat wetland geography and dense moisture in the air, and the techniques of a local factory specialising in the production of masts in solid cylindrical iron bars. The platform provides an elevated framing of the landscape, a space which can be either closed to offer a secluded position for bird counters, or opened-up to the view. The structural system is designed as a jettying frame expanding in width as it rises, allowing a small footprint to incrementally widen to support a larger platform above. Horizontal elements of galvanised iron plates have been bolted and welded together, whilst vertical and diagonal galvanised cylindrical iron bars span between the plates. 50 mm and 65 mm diameter columns and diagonals take compression forces, whilst 22 mm diameter cylindrical iron bars, which form both the balustrade and handrails, transfer tensile forces. All individual elements, including handrails, stairs, landings and balustrades, form a part of the tower’s overall structural system.“


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