Kim Yun Soo - Memory of Wind; Cloud-like Scenery, 2009
Yun Soo Kim uses the motifs of yearning for the infinite world (space) beyond reality, and questions the boundary of visual space. By contributing an enormous amount of intensive labor into her self-reflective pracitce, it hazes the definitive properties of matter, language, and body action in her work. She repeatedly winds and piles cardboard and vinyl sheets with usual objects to create a foot shape. Through these processes, the forms disappear and transform. It may begin to resemble a massive mountain or waves that spread in all directions. Whatever the final form takes, the work is a result of her repeated act. These simple shapes and her act of creating are minimal expressions, but they are lyrical and poetic. Kim’s works are similar to the metamorphosises in the desert, where the shapes are always renewed by wind. She depicts a once-only beauty with the infinite landscape created in the horizon, winding the cardboard and overlapping the vinyl cuts. The viewer can feel her mediation and perspective in the transcendental and surrealistic landscapes. [Google Arts & Culture]
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